Assessment - educationally useful?
Excessive assessment is a cancer spreading through education which is largely detrimental.......................
In reality, how much assessment is educationally useful?
In reality, how much assessment is educationally useful?
Excessive assessment is the blight of both learner and teacher alike. However differing forms of both formative and summative assessment can enhance the learning experience. The question has to be ...does assessment measure engagement?
Jane, at 9:01 AM
How long have we been assessing learning formally?
Ben, at 9:03 AM
Not sure assessment measures engagement but rather the facility to blag marks after years of practice.............
Ben, at 9:08 AM
Agree feedback is important to direct students in the right direction but is that direction beneficial to their learning or just the direction that the powers that be deem academically appropriate irrespective of the needs of the student?
Ben, at 9:14 AM
Perhaps we should be redesigning assessment so that it has greater instrinsic value to the student ....
Jane, at 11:42 AM
The issue of having time to develop within a subject is particularly pertinent to the use of learning objects, indeed this is one of the criticisms of their use. Each object is bitesized and standalone and this has to impact on assessment!
Jane, at 11:35 AM
The value of placement learning is emphasised within the Foundation Degree benchmarks - backing Jim's assertion that practical activity (student life, or work place, I would suggest) is of benefit to assessing fitness for employment. There is, however, a reluctance to assess the placement as an entity; it is not perceived as 'safe' ground for academic evaluation and students are more likely to be assessed on an associated piece of 'academic' work.
Does this make sense? Should we challenge 'safe' practice? What provides the value to the students and where are the dangers?
Jane, at 12:34 PM
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